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Start Date : 5 May ,2025
End Date   :  9  May ,2025
Duration    : 5 Days



Excellent Troubleshooting skills are considered a core competency for 'Best-in-Class' industrial companies. If your company’s goals include minimizing downtime then this workshop is a must because it delivers rapid, safe Troubleshooting.




Course Objectives: 

By the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Appreciate the difference and consequences between pro-active and reactive problem solving 

  • Develop a structured approach to troubleshooting and problem solving 

  • Understand continuous improvement in the way you run your processes 

  • understand the difference between having a techniques manual on the bookshelf – and actually making it work 

  • Implement teamwork and leadership principles; support and cooperation practices 

  • Understand work practices which "allow" success in troubleshooting and problem solving 



Course Content: 

1- Introductory Concepts 

  • Defining the nature of problems 

  • Utilising a Common Terminology 

  • Techniques introduction 

  • Structured approaches  


2- Tools & Techniques – Practical Experience 

  • Application of Decision Logic 

  • Problem Analysis and Synthesis 

  • Practical Use of Tools and Techniques 

  • Project selection methods 


3- People Issues 

  • Working practices – empowerment or impairment? 

  • Group dynamics 

  • Individual motivators: External vs. Internal Motivation 


4- Operator, Maintainer, Designer Interface 

  • Cross functional problem solving 

  • Development of Maintenance strategy 

  • Life Cycle Analysis, Design for Operation, Design for Maintenance 

  • Variability Analysis 

  • Strategies, Planning, and Protocols 


5- Open Forum 

  • Revisit Concepts, Tools and Techniques applied to problems 

  • Case Studies and Action Plans 



Targeted Audience: 

  • Supervisors who are involved in the operations function and who are responsible for leading and directing people to achieve and improve productivity levels  

  • Those faced with the challenge of actually using the various techniques of Troubleshooting and Problem Solving to reduce downtime and waste and improve run efficiencies will benefit  

  • It is of equal importance to Production, Maintenance Engineering and Process Engineering personnel 

Process Plant Troubleshooting and Engineering Problem Solving

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