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                 VIEW OUTLINE - PDF


Start Date : 29 Jun ,2025
End Date   : 3 Jul,2025
Duration    : 5 Days



The workshop starts off discussing aspects of transmitters, along with the modern choice of fieldbus and HART and other communication aspects. It then delves into final control elements. This is followed by important aspects of pressure, level, temperature and flow. The workshop then moves into process control and loop tuning, ending off with model-based control systems, and how this fit into the modern notion of process control. 



Course Objectives: 

  • Define the role and objectives of instrumentation in any plant 

  • Understand the importance of process variables, in process control 

  • Develop their skills in selecting the right transmitter for an application 

  • Improve their skills process control strategies  

  • Correctly implement loop tuning strategies (using numerous methodologies) 

  • Understand the concept of model-based control 

  • Comprehend the intricacies of IMC and MPC strategies 


Course Outline: 


1. Introduction to Process Variable Measurement 

  • Sensors, Transducers and Instrumentation Systems 

  • Instrumentation Signals 

  • Instrumentation Terms and Definitions 

  • HART Protocol 

  • Fieldbus 

  • Digital Communication and Techniques 

  • A quick introduction to final control elements (including control valves, VSD and VFD) 


2. Pressure, Level, Temperature, and Flow Measurement 

  • Pressure Measurement – principle of operation, devices, typical uses and installation considerations 
  • Level Measurement – principle of operation, devices, typical uses and installation considerations 

  • Temperature Measurement – principle of operation, devices, typical uses and installation considerations 

  • Flow Measurement – principle of operation, devices, typical uses and installation considerations 


3. Process Control 

  • Process Dynamics 
  • Process Stability 

  • Process Responses 

  • Types of control that may be implemented 

  • The P part of PID Control 

  • The I part of PID Control 

  • The D part of PID Control 

  • Cascade Control 


4. Advanced Control and Loop Tuning Strategies using Digital Controllers 

  • Ratio control 
  • Combined feed forward and feedback control 

  • Open loop tuning methods, using formulae 

  • Closed loop tuning methods, using formulae 

  • Open loop tuning, using trial and error 

  • Closed loop tuning, using trial and error 

  • Dealing with processes that have large dead time 


5. Model-Based Control, where a PID Controller isn’t the Preferred Option 

  • Using a model-based controller 
  • Using a Smith Predictor 

  • Understanding Internal Model Control (IMC) 

  • Using a Dahlin’s Controller 

  • Understanding and implementing Model Predictive Control (MPC) 


Who Should Attend? 

  • Plant Management Personnel 

  • Engineers from all disciplines 

  • Processing Control Technicians 

  • Supervisors 

  • People dealing with Instrumentation Equipment Selection 

Instrumentation and Process Control: From Basics to Advanced Techniques

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