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Start Date : 23 Feb ,2025
End Date : 27 Feb ,2025
Duration : 5 Days



This corrosion course covers fundamental aspects of corrosion control and its prevention. The course will enable beginners to establish a solid foundation in corrosion before moving on to advanced topics. Exercises, hands-on practical sessions and virtual experiments throughout the course will help participants understand the basic concepts and fundamentals important to corrosion.  


Course Objectives: 

  • Understand why and how corrosion occurs 

  • Know how to control and prevent corrosion 

  • Gain an understanding of corrosion ramifications in oil production operations 

  • Recognize the various forms of corrosion attack 

  • Carry out a corrosion failure analysis 

  • Utilize the most appropriate method for corrosion control 

  • Adopt the most appropriate monitoring techniques and 

  • Utilize the current information sources including current corrosion software 


Course Content: 

1- Introduction 

  • Definition of corrosion 

  • Corrosion in action: examples of corrosion 

  • Liabilities due to corrosion 

  • Basic concepts in corrosion 

  • Primer in chemistry and electrochemistry 

  • Understanding electrochemical cells 


2- Why Do Metals Corrode? The Driving Force for Corrosion 

  • Thermodynamics 

  • Faraday’s Law 

  • Electrode potentials 

  • Reference electrodes 

  • Electromotive force (EMF) series vs. galvanic series 

  • Nernst equation 

  • Pourbaix diagram (potential - pH diagram) 

  • Passivity 


3- Kinetics: The Rate of Corrosion 

  • Polarization 

  • Rate of reaction and rate constant 

  • Anodic and cathodic current densities 

  • Exchange current density 

  • The mixed potential theory 

  • E-log(i) Evans diagram 

  • Tafel Equation and Tafel plot for corrosion rate determination 

  • Linear polarization and Stern-Geary Equation 

  • Type of polarization and rate-controlling steps 

  • Concentration polarization and the importance of dissolved oxygen 

  • Effect of oxidizer concentration on the rate of corrosion 

  • Effect of velocity on the rate of corrosion 

  • Area effect 

  • Depolarizers and Depolarization 


4- Different Forms of Corrosion: Mechanisms, Recognition and Prevention 

  • General attack/uniform corrosion 

  • Galvanic corrosion/de‐alloying 

  • Pitting corrosion 

  • Crevice corrosion 

  • Filiform corrosion 

  • Intergranular corrosion/exfoliation 

  • Environmental cracking 

  • Liquid metal embrittlement 

  • Hydrogen damage 

  • Corrosion fatigue 

  • Flow assisted corrosion 

  • Fretting corrosion 

  • High temperature corrosion 


5- Practical Corrosion Cells Important to Corrosion Diagnosis 

  • Galvanic cell 

  • Concentration cell 

  • Active/passive cell 

  • Thermogalvanic cell 

  • Stress cell 


6- Corrosion in Specific Environments      

  • Corrosion in atmosphere 

  • Corrosion in waters 

  • Corrosion in soil 

  • Corrosion in concrete 

  • Corrosion in high temperature environments 


7- Methods for Corrosion Control and Prevention 

  • Materials selection and design 

  • Protective coatings and linings 

  • Cathodic protection and anodic protection 

  • Modification of environment (chemical treatment) 

  • Corrosion testing and monitoring 


Targeted Audience: 

Corrosion practitioners, designers, technical managers, inspection and maintenance engineers, quality control personnel and those involved in failure analysis. 

Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC)

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